
Church Elder

Ryan Smith


Church Deacons

  • Lynn Shoffner

  • Mike Younger

  • Jason Brown

  • Bryan Shoffner

  • Jim McIver

  • Jon Marshall

Elder-led Church Government

We believe in a Jesus ruled, elder led, and congregationally accountable church in accordance with the principles laid down in the New Testament. As the New Testament describes the role of the pastor/overseer/elder, it always speaks of this role in the plural: Acts 14:23; Acts 15:4, 6, 22; Acts 20:17; Phil. 1:1; Titus 1:5; I Pet. 5:1; James 5:14.

This practice is not only biblical, but also practical. Having a plurality of qualified men to lead and govern the church spreads out the pastoral workload, diversifies giftedness, and provides internal accountability, amongst many other things. Ministry is an eternal work, therefore, requires excellence rather than mediocrity, leading to weariness.

The elders are responsible for leading the church in all matters or direction, doctrine, and discipline. The deacons are responsible for pastoral and ministry support, while leading the charge in maintaining unity within the church. The deacon role is invaluable and God-ordained, but is not responsible to oversee the spiritual direction of the church.

The Congregation is responsible for carrying out the mission of the church. They are also responsible for ensuring that the church remains faithful to its mission as laid out in Scripture.